Chris LaCivita

Christopher J. LaCivita (born 1966) is an American political consultant, and president of the firm Advancing Strategies LLC. He was formerly with Crosslink Strategy, a conservative lobbying and political consulting firm founded by former John McCain advisor Terry Nelson. LaCivita is often mentioned for his role as media advisor to the Swift Boat Veterans, an independent-expenditure group active in the 2004 presidential election.

LaCivita was born in McKeesport, Pennsylvania, but grew up in the Richmond, Virginia area, graduating from Midlothian High School. He received his bachelor's degree in political science from Virginia Commonwealth University in 1989.[1] He joined the US Marine Corps and was awarded a Purple Heart for wounds received while serving in the Persian Gulf War in 1991. Afterwards, he taught part-time at Regent University. [2]

Political career

Active in Republican politics following his Gulf War service, LaCivita did field work for George F. Allen in central Virginia during his 1991 congressional campaign, then went with him to Capitol Hill, serving as a legislative assistant on foreign and defense policy.[3] When Allen ran for governor in 1993, LaCivita organized in the Richmond area, Southside and central Virginia, then was appointed to serve as an assistant secretary of administration.[4]

He left state service in 1995 to help run Allen's political action committee, assisting legislative races that year (wherein the GOP captured a tie in the State Senate). LaCivita was named executive director of the Republican Party of Virginia in 1996, after Allen's allies won control of the RPV.[3] LaCivita ran the party as James S. Gilmore succeeded Allen as Governor in 1997, acting as overseer of internal partisan squabbles, but going on later to capture control of both houses of the General Assembly in 1999.[5]

By then, LaCivita, and former gubernatorial chief of staff Jay Timmons, were guiding Allen's campaign for U.S. Senate, ultimately defeating two-term Democratic incumbent Chuck Robb with 52% in a hard-fought contest in November 2000..[6][3]

In the fall of 2001, LaCivita was drafted in the final two months to shore up the losing campaign of Attorney General Mark Earley for Governor against Mark Warner.[7] As Fred Barnes wrote, "Earley wasted the summer and didn't find a message until September -- after party officials dispatched Chris LaCivita, the political director of the National Republican Senatorial Committee, to run his campaign. The message, it turns out, is a hardy perennial for Republicans: taxes."[8] Earley, down by 13 points in mid-summer, closed the gap late in the campaign[9] eventually lost by five points, 52%-47%, to the millionaire Democrat.

During the 2002 midterm election cycle, LaCivita served the political director of the National Republican Senatorial Committee, under the chairmanship of Senator Bill Frist.[10] That November, the GOP scored a net gain of two Senate seats, recapturing control of the upper chamber.

While at the NRSC, LaCivita was the direct supervisor of James Tobin, another former employee of the DCI Group. In 2005, Tobin was sentenced to 10 months in federal prison for his role in the 2002 NH phone jamming scandal for his activities during that campaign; LaCivita was on Tobin's witness list but never called. Democrats, who sought testimony from LaCivita for a civil suit tied to the same incident, recently settled that civil suit out of court. Tobin's conviction was overturned on appeal.

In 2003, LaCivita served as President of Progress for America, later giving that role to former DCI employee Brian McCabe while LaCivita became its executive director.

LaCivita at one time worked for the Republican political consulting firm DCI Group, which had close ties both to Progress for America and Swift Boat Veterans for Truth. During the 2004 US Presidential campaign, LaCivita served as consultant and principal media advisor to the Swift Boat Veterans, writing and producing the group's memorable (and controversial) commercials in association with Rick Reed. At the same time, LaCivita consulted for the NRSC, now headed by former client George Allen, as it scored a net gain of four Senate seats in the November 2004 general elections.

LaCivita continued his independent-expenditure work in 2005, producing ads in support of GOP Attorney General Jerry Kilgore in his unsuccessful campaign for Governor of Virginia.

In 2005 and 2006, LaCivita was senior strategist for Vern Buchanan, who won a hotly contested Republican primary, then the general election in Florida's 13th congressional district by less than 400 votes. LaCivita also ran an independent organization (Floridians for a Better and Brighter Future) during that state's gubernatorial primary election in 2005-06, whose target was former Insurance Commissioner Tom Gallagher. LaCivita's favored candidate, Charlie Crist, won the party’s nomination, and was subsequently elected Florida’s governor.

LaCivita also served as general consultant to businessman Bob Corker's successful primary and general-election campaigns for the U.S. Senate from Tennessee, succeeding his former boss Bill Frist. These successes were offset by the narrow defeat that November of George Allen for re-election in LaCivita's home state of Virginia by Democrat Jim Webb, a margin of 9,329 votes.

Interviewed in March, 2007, LaCivita told reporters that the GOP could silence the press uproar over the sudden dismissal of eight US Attorneys by promoting stories about the most extreme among anti-Bush activists. "When are we going to make it about Code Pink and the rest of the liberal weirdos controlling the Democrat agenda?" he asked.

During the 2008 presidential campaign, LaCivita and Tony Feather launched a new 501(c)4 issues advocacy group, the American Issues Project, after a series of meetings with other Swift Boat donors. In August 2008, AIP began airing ads in battleground states seeking to raise questions about Democratic Party presidential nominee Senator Barack Obama's ties to former student radical William Ayers.[11] The American Issues Project has a sole donor, Harold Simmons, an 87-year old Dallas billionaire who was also a principal donor, along with T. Boone Pickens, to the Swiftboat Veterans for Truth PAC. On October 10, 2008, a campaign finance watchdog group, Democracy 21, filed a complaint with the Federal Elections Commission about the group's alleged violations of election campaign law.[12]

In 2009, LaCivita was the general strategist for State Senator Ken Cuccinelli's successful bid for Attorney General of Virginia. He also guided Jeffrey McWaters to victory in a December special election for Virginia State Senate, occasioned by the departure of longtime incumbent Ken Stolle in Virginia Beach.

In the summer of 2010, LaCivita returned to the NRSC as its Political Director, the same post he'd held in 2002.[13] Under his direction, the GOP scored a net gain of five Senate seats in the November 2010 general elections.

Throughout 2010, LaCivita consulted for several GOP congressional campaigns, most prominently that of State Senator Robert Hurt who was elected in Virginia's 5th Congressional District over Democratic incumbent Tom Perriello. He also aided businessman Scott Rigell in his successful bid for election in Virginia's 2nd Congressional District over incumbent Glenn Nye.[14] But his client in Missouri's 3rd congressional district, Ed Martin, fell short in his bid to unseat Democratic Rep. Russ Carnahan.

LaCivita lives outside Richmond with his wife, Catherine, and their two children.


  1. ^ April 2002, Campaigns & Elections, “Rising Political Stars of 2002”
  2. ^
  3. ^ a b c 2 June 1999, Washington Post, R.H. Melton, “Virginia Notebook; Out of GOP Frying Pan, Into 2000 Campaign Fire”
  4. ^ 3 June 1999, Associated Press "GOP director to manage Allen's campaign”
  5. ^ 15 February 1999, Washington Post, R.H. Melton, “Va. GOP's Power Quest Beset by Internal Squabbles”
  6. ^ 22 October 2000, Richmond Times-Dispatch, Jeff Schapiro, “Skull Sessions Set Course Of Campaigns; Political Friends Sounding Boards”
  7. ^ December 2001 / January 2002, Campaigns & Elections, David Beiler, “Mark Warner's Five-Year Plan”
  8. ^ 29 October 2001, The Weekly Standard, Fred Barnes, "Earley to Bed?; Democrat Mark Warner threatens the GOP hold on Virginia”
  9. ^ 4 November 2001, Washington Times, Stephen Dinan, "Earley camp optimistic after poll shows closer race”
  10. ^ 8 January 2001, Roll Call, Rachel Van Dongen, "In With the New: Allen Campaign Chief Joins NRSC As Political Director”
  11. ^ "Group with Swift Boat alumni readies ads attacking Obama" September 13, 2008
  12. ^ "Watchdog Seeks Probe of a Political Groups' TV ADs," Associated Press, October 10, 2008.
  13. ^ "Campaigns Don’t Coordinate. Really." New York Times, 10/20/2010
  14. ^

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